Governing Board Meeting Information

The public is invited to attend the meetings, which will be held at the Valley Center High Media Center at 31322 Cole Grade Road, Valley Center, CA. Members of the public who wish to address the board are invited to attend the meeting.   

A Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. The Public is invited to attend in person.


Superintendent Ron McCowan's Message

Ron McCowan

Welcome to the Valley Center-Pauma Unified School District!

Our district serves roughly 4,000 students at grade levels from transitional kindergarten up through high school graduation.  We have four exceptional elementary schools, a fantastic middle school and an award-winning high school. Additionally, we offer alternatives to the traditional school structure through VC Prep and Oak Glen high school. VCPUSD truly offers something for every student and our commitment to student success is our first and highest priority.

The Valley Center-Pauma School District unified in 1999 at which time we opened Valley Center High School and began serving our students with a complete K-12 education right here in our beautiful community.  We are honored to have so many of our past students serving as teachers and staff. We truly work as a district family. And while we enjoy all of the benefits of a small town community, we remain on the cutting-edge in educational opportunities.  Our district is currently able to provide personal technology devices to all students for home use; allowing our teachers to augment their curriculum beyond the classroom.

Whether it’s our transportation department carrying over 2,700 students on any given day or our child nutrition services providing healthy breakfast and lunch, our district employees are invested in our students.  Dedicated maintenance staff keep our campuses clean and safe for everyone.

Valley Center-Pauma Unified enjoys strong support from our parents and the community.  We have an active teacher-parent club presence at our elementary and middle school sites.  They provide programs such as book fairs and carnivals that are favorites among our residents.  At the high school there is a robust support system for sports, arts and agriculture. We continually strive to offer students a full spectrum of education and extra-curricular activity.

Under the careful governance of our school board, our district remains committed to excellence and unwavering in our effort to ensure that;  Every student graduates academically, socially and physically fit.

Send an email to Ron McCowan

Nancy Peña

  Executive Assistant to the Superintendent