Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP)

ELOP Graphic


One of the district’s goals is: "Every student is actively engaged in learning, feels safe at school, and demonstrates good citizenship". Valley Center-Pauma Unified School District (VCPUSD) continues this goal beyond the school into our Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) and with our educational partners that support our after school programs such as the Boys and Girls Club of Greater San Diego (BGCGSD).

Working in Partnership with the Boys and Girls Club of Great San Diego we are excited to provide VCPUSD families with students through 6th grade our After School Program.

Regular attendance in our after school program, which incorporates high yield learning activities and targeted programs, leads to successful youth and teens.

VCPUSD ELOP/ASES Information Letter (2024-2025 School Year)

VCPUSD ELOP Calendar 2024-2025 (Summer School / ELOP Camp Dates Pending)

VCPUSD ELOP Plan 2024-2025

After School Education & Safety (ASES)


ASES is an extension of the school day aligned with the regular school day and provides a safe physical and social-emotional environment that supports building positive relationships. The program is funded by a state grant and has attendance requirements for participating students.

ASES is a free after school program that is designed as an academic enrichment program that supports the regular education day with enrichment activities and a healthy snack. ASES provides a safe and constructive environment for students. We serve students in grades TK through eighth grade at Pauma School. Students must be enrolled and accepted into the ASES after school program prior to attending. If you are interested in enrollment in the ASES program, please complete the application packet and return it either to the school office or ASES program.

If the number of students wishing to participate in the program exceeds program capacity, first priority for enrollment shall be given to: students who are identified as homeless youth, as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 USC 11434a) at the time they apply for enrollment or at any time during the school year, to students who are identified by the program as being in foster care, and to students who are eligible for free or reduced- price meals. (Education Code 8483, 8483.1, 8484.75)

ASES is offered after school every day that school is in session at Pauma Elementary School from the end of the school day until 6pm M-F.

Pauma ASES Registration Form

Pauma ASES Early Release Form

VCPUSD ELOP/ASES Calendar 2024-2025

VCPUSD ELOP/ASES Information Letter (2024-2025 School Year)

Pauma ASES Program Plan 2024-2025

Pauma Elementary School: 33158 Cole Grade Road, Pauma Valley, CA 92061

Phone: 760-742-3741 Principal: Sarah Songer Site Lead: Ana Marcos-Madera