Migrant TOSA
28751 Cole Grade Road
Valley Center, CA 92082
(760) 749-6347
Migrant Education

Yessenia Vargas - Navarro

Dr. Maysa Bitar
Director of Special Projects
28751 Cole Grade Road
Valley Center, CA 92082
Migrant Services
The purpose of the Migrant Education Program is to provide migratory students opportunities to achieve excellence and equity in the classroom to improve their academic achievement. Migrant services are provided to children and families who migrate to find work in the agriculture and fishing industries.
What is the Migrant Education Program?
The goal of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) is to ensure that all migratory students reach challenging academic standards and graduate with a high school diploma (or obtain a high school equivalency) that prepares them for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment. The program works to ensure that migratory children fully benefit from the same public education provided to other children and that they master the educational content. The program offers services to help reduce educational disruptions and other problems that can result from multiple moves.
Who is eligible?
The VCPUSD Migrant Education Program (MEP) works with SDCOE professionals to conduct outreach and enroll new students into the program. The criteria are:
A family member that who has moved within the last 36 months to perform qualifying work, which includes, but is not limited to:
Agriculture, fishing and forestry work
Vegetable/fruit harvesting and processing (Strawberries, sugarcane, rice, corn, sweet potatoes; and many more!)
Fish/shellfish harvesting and processing (shrimp, oysters, crawfish and many more!)
Food/meat/poultry processing
The family member moved with children under 21 years old who have not graduated high school or earned a high school equivalency.
Youth under the age of 21 who moved within last 36 months on his/her own to perform qualifying work
Special needs of migratory children and youth:
Migratory children and youth face unique challenges which may lead to limited academic achievement and opportunities because their families move to follow growing seasons and new work. This movement interrupts a student's education, sometimes multiple times within the same school year. Migratory youth often drop out of school to work and have limited access to educational and social services.
What does the program offer?
A variety of free educational services are available to eligible migratory students to help them overcome the challenges of a migratory lifestyle. Examples of possible services include, but are not limited to:
After school educational programs
Tutoring and homework help
Free school lunches and other school meals
Summer educational or enrichment programs
Referral to credit recovery programs
Do I qualify?
Have you moved across county or state lines in the past 36 months?
Do you have children ages birth to 21 years?
Are you currently working or seeking seasonal agricultural occupation?
If you answered "Yes" to the questions above, please contact us!
California State University San Marcos College Migrant Program Scholarship
Check this out for admissions requirements and deadlines:
2023-2024 CAMP Senior Checklist
You can make an appointment to virtually meet with a CAMP Academic Advisor for guidance, support, or to ask for more information about CSUSM or CAMP.
Mano a Mano - Talleres Para Padres
Los invitamos a une serie de talleres, “Padres Aprendiendo a ser Mejores Padres,” con el propósito de ayudarle a poder formar jóvenes que tengan éxito en la escuela y en la vida en general. Los talleres se ofreceran en la escuela Valley Center Elementary a las 5:30pm para el año 2025:
• En la Educación está el Poder febrero 3
• Pandillas: Un problema severo en la comunidad febrero 10
• La verdad sobre las drogas: Mariguana/VAPING/Fentanilo febrero 24
• Violencia: Domestica, novios, amigos marzo 3
• Salud Mental: familias toxicas/familias sanas marzo 10
• Riesgos del Internet y como tener el control de la tecnología marzo 17